
Kakuma Experience- The Journey and Introduction to the world's oldest refugee camps

  Introduction This blogpost introduces the Kakuma refugee camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement research area. It highlights the challenge of travelling to the camp and settlement and analyses how refugees in Kakuma impact the neighbouring towns and communities. In addition, it focuses on the refugee camp as a protection space and urban settlement. It examines the everyday experiences of refugees and host communities in Kakuma and the perceptions and interactions between them in a protracted displacement context.   The journey to Kakuma Refugee Camp Kakuma refugee camp and Kalobeyei Settlement are situated in Turkana County, in Kenya’s remote and marginalised North-Western region bordering Uganda to the West and South Sudan and Ethiopia to the North. It is located about 700 kilometres from Kenya's capital city- Nairobi, and about 60 kilometres from the Kenya-South Sudan border. The two available means of transportation to the camp are by road or taking a local flight...